Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Automobile Art

I see dead people.

At least, that's what I assume from the way they they have a death wish. Nothing whatsoever to lose by ramming each other at 120mph in order to create a solid mass of impenetrable steel and flaming gas tanks. While I can admire the desire to be creative (being artistically inclined myself) I must opine resistfully in the negation of this latest fad. It is not, nor will ever be, cool to build large sculptures of twisted automobile metal and burning rubber. It's not the metal, it's not even the acrid stench of burning's the people trapped inside that kind of make me think twice about this particular new "art" and what it entails. Sacrifice for one's art? I think not.

Even with the haze of steel grey smoke, tendrils swirling mistfully and playfully about, lending that tiny bit of eerie atmosphere.

Just. Say. No.

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